Conducting Mechanical, physical and Chemical Testing to study and solve problems related to industry using state of the art instruments and tools as well as to monitor and remedy environmental pollution. The center is run-by qualified staff with the highest standard. We are in this business since 1991.

This lab is equipped to conduct mechanical testes by means of the following machines:

  • tensile, compression test and spring stiffness test.
  • wear test.
  • rotary bending fatigue test.
  • High pressure testing.
  • automatic hardness test ( HR ,HB ,HV)

Destructive and nondestructive testing of cement and concrete samples by the following facilities:

  • Compression testing machine
  • Water permeability/impermeability tester of concrete
  • Surface water absorption test
  • Ultrasonic testing instrument

Detecting the internal composition of various alloys and determining microscopic phenomena such as the effect of heat treatment, detecting the effect of welding and measuring fine hardness, as well as chemical analysis and classification of alloys. Among the most important techniques used in this unit are:

  • Spectrometer metal analyzer.
  • Optical macro/microscope.
  • Micro hardness tester.
  • equipment for surface preparation for tests.

Detection of structural defects such as metal forming cracks, welding and casting defects, using the following techniques:

  • ]X-Ray Radiography (RT).
  • Ultrasonic flaw detection (UT).
  • Ultrasonic thickness measurement.
  • Magnetic particles crack detection(MPI).
  • Coating thickness measurement (metallic & non metallic material).
  • inspection using optical endoscope.

Tests conducted in this lab to verify the quality of various samples includes; Domestic and industrial water, construction material, soil, and Organic compounds using classical and instrumental methods

  • Spectrophotometer (AAs).
  • Chromatography (GC, GC/MS).
  • Thermal Analysis (DSC & TGA).
  • Auxiliary devices such as electrical conductivity and pH

Isolation and identification of pathogenic bacteria in food, potable water and dairy products.

The consultancy work is carried out with the aid of experts in the field of Failure analysis, Heat treatment, and Corrosion.